Release Date: March 3, 2025
- The *.deb and *.rpm files support multiple architectures (ARM64 & AMD64).
- The connector is Java JVM based. Install the correct JVM for the desired architecture.
- This connector requires Java 11 or later.
New Features
- [CONNECTOR-1183] - Use sendTimeout as configured without doubling.
- [CONNECTOR-1184] - Converted transaction debug level messages to trace level.
- [CONNECTOR-1185] - Kotlin version upgraded to 2.x.
- [CONNECTOR-1175] - Updated logback-core to 1.5.15 version to fix CVE-2024-12798, CVE-2024-12801.
- [CONNECTOR-1179] - Updated logback-core to 1.5.15 version to fix CVE-2024-12801.
- [CONNECTOR-1180] - Updated logback-classic to 1.5.15 version to fix CVE-2024-12798.
- [CONNECTOR-1181] - Updated logback-core to 1.5.15 version to fix CVE-2024-12798.
- [CONNECTOR-1188] - Updated io.netty:netty-handler to 4.1.118.Final to fix CVE-2025-24970, CVE-2025-25193, CVE-2024-29025, CVE-2024-47554, CVE-2023-46120 (rabbitmq), CVE-2024-51504 (zookeeper).