C# Proxy Client Library Release Notes

  • 7.4.0
    Release Date: July 25, 2024


    • CLIENT-3058 Perf Change write utf8 bytes directly into destination. These community changes provided by GitHub user RokasBalevicius provide performance boosts to the ByteUtil class when using StringToUtf8().


    • CLIENT-3011/CLIENT-2888 Increase message size for proxy client. The default size of messages in the gRPC framework is not large enough to accommodate large records, so it was increased.

    • CLIENT-3007 Fix bug in query pagination for the proxy client, also fix sendKey bug for the proxy client. Pagination for query with the proxy client was not working previously, this release fixes that.

  • 7.3.0
    Release Date: June 14, 2024


    • CLIENT-2981/CLIENT-2987 Perf Change ripmd160 from class to struct to avoid allocations, avoid heap allocation in ValueRipemd160. These community changes provided by GitHub users RokasBalevicius and wipiano provide performance boosts to the Util class ValueRipemd160.


    • CLIENT-2907 Scan and QueryPolicy constructor inconsistency. Add copy constructors and inherit from base Policy class.

    • CLIENT-2909 ExecuteTask inconsistencies. Add GetTaskId() method to ExecuteTask.

    • CLIENT-2957 Sync Proxy Client timing and exception bugs. The timing bug occurred when using the synchronous version of proxy client operations with a 0 (meaning no time limit) total timeout value in the policy, which caused the client to wait for 0 milliseconds instead of using no time limit. The exception bug occurred when using the synchronous version of proxy client operations batch, query, or scan, which caused exceptions to be lost.

    • CLIENT-2958 Background Query avoid override of operations. This bug was happening when the user performed a query execute operation but did not provide the optional argument of Operation[], which overrode the operations in the Statement causing a Parameter Error.

    • CLIENT-2973 Make scans work in a mixed cluster of 5.7 and 6.4 nodes.

  • 7.2.0
    Release Date: April 30, 2024


    • CLIENT-2755/CLIENT-2780 Do not use batch repeat flag on batch writes when sendKey policy is true.

    • CLIENT-2888 Increase message size. The default message size in the GRPC library is not large enough for the maximum sized Aerospike record, so the maximum was increased.

  • 7.1.0
    Release Date: March 27, 2024


    • CLIENT-2788 Move proxy client to own assembly. The proxy client now lives in its own directory in the repo, has it's own namespace, and can be found on NuGet as Aerospike.Client.Proxy.

    • CLIENT-2679 Add code coverage. Added tools and coverage build option to AerospikeTest to obtain unit test information.

    • CLIENT-2824 Add support for query duration. This is feature for server version 7.1+. The QueryPolicy field shortQuery is depreciated for new server versions as queryDuration replaces it. shortQuery is still available and will eventually be removed.

    • CLIENT-2830 Support for readTouchTtlPercent. This is a feature for server version 7.1+. This field is added to Policy and BatchReadPolicy. It is used for determining how record TTL is affected on reads.

    • CLIENT-2441 Map Key Documentation Update. In a future Aerospike server release, map key types of int, string, and byte[] will be the only types accepted.


    • CLIENT-2797 Allowing inner Exception to be null in AerospikeException constructor. This was a community pull request provided by m-wilmo.

    • CLIENT-2799 Fix excessive allocations in PartitionParser. This was a community pull request provided by verdie-g to optimize part of PartitionParser.

    • CLIENT-2765 Operation and Expression signature inconsistency using ListReturnType or MapReturnType.

    • CLIENT-2763 Include partition unavailable errors for scans and queries, handle case when max records is less than number of assigned nodes. This is to provide more error information in the case of Partition Unavailable errors.

  • 7.0.1
    Release Date: December 19, 2023


    • CLIENT-2734 Fix error in nuget package to link to correct dependencies.

  • 7.0.0
    Release Date: December 8, 2023


    • CLIENT-2534 CLIENT-2692 Adds support for the Aerospike Proxy Server and DBaaS service.