.. _aerospike: ************************************************* :mod:`aerospike` --- Aerospike Client for Python ************************************************* Overview ======== .. module:: aerospike :platform: 64-bit Linux and OS X :synopsis: Aerospike client for Python. ``aerospike`` is a package which provides a Python client for Aerospike database clusters. The Aerospike client enables you to build an application in Python with an Aerospike cluster as its database. The client manages the connections to the cluster and handles the transactions performed against it. Methods ======= Constructors ------------ Client ^^^^^^ .. py:function:: client(config) Creates a new instance of the :class:`Client` class and immediately connects to the cluster. See :ref:`client` for more details. Internally, this is a wrapper function which calls the constructor for the :class:`Client` class. However, the client may also be constructed by calling the constructor directly. The client takes on many configuration parameters passed in through a dictionary. :param dict config: See :ref:`client_config`. :return: an instance of the :class:`Client` class. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Simple example: .. code-block:: python import aerospike # Configure the client to first connect to a cluster node at # The client will learn about the other nodes in the cluster from the seed node. # Also sets a top level policy for read operations config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000) ], 'policies': {'read': {'total_timeout': 1000}}, } client = aerospike.client(config) Connecting using TLS example: .. code-block:: python import aerospike import sys # NOTE: Use of TLS requires Aerospike Enterprise version >= 3.11 # and client version 2.1.0 or greater tls_name = "some-server-tls-name" tls_ip = "" tls_port = 4333 # If tls-name is specified, # it must match the tls-name in the node’s server configuration file # and match the server’s CA certificate. tls_host_tuple = (tls_ip, tls_port, tls_name) hosts = [tls_host_tuple] # Example configuration which will use TLS with the specified cafile tls_config = { "cafile": "/path/to/cacert.pem", "enable": True } try: client = aerospike.client({ "hosts": hosts, "tls": tls_config }) except Exception as e: print(e) print("Failed to connect") sys.exit() Geospatial ^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:function:: geodata([geo_data]) Helper for creating an instance of the :class:`~aerospike.GeoJSON` class. \ Used to wrap a geospatial object, such as a point, polygon or circle. :param dict geo_data: a :class:`dict` representing the geospatial data. :return: an instance of the :py:class:`aerospike.GeoJSON` class. .. code-block:: python import aerospike # Create GeoJSON point using WGS84 coordinates. latitude = 45.920278 longitude = 63.342222 loc = aerospike.geodata({'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [longitude, latitude]}) .. versionadded:: 1.0.54 .. py:function:: geojson([geojson_str]) Helper for creating an instance of the :class:`~aerospike.GeoJSON` class \ from a raw GeoJSON :class:`str`. :param dict geojson_str: a :class:`str` of raw GeoJSON. :return: an instance of the :py:class:`aerospike.GeoJSON` class. .. code-block:: python import aerospike # Create GeoJSON point using WGS84 coordinates. loc = aerospike.geojson('{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-80.604333, 28.608389]}') .. versionadded:: 1.0.54 Types ----- .. py:function:: null() A type for distinguishing a server-side null from a Python :py:obj:`None`. Replaces the constant ``aerospike.null``. :return: a type representing the server-side type ``as_null``. .. versionadded:: 2.0.1 .. py:function:: CDTWildcard() A type representing a wildcard object. This type may only be used as a comparison value in operations. It may not be stored in the database. :return: a type representing a wildcard value. .. code-block:: python import aerospike from aerospike_helpers.operations import list_operations as list_ops client = aerospike.client({'hosts': [('localhost', 3000)]}) key = 'test', 'demo', 1 # get all values of the form [1, ...] from a list of lists. # For example if list is [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [1, 'a']], this operation will match # [1, 2, 3] and [1, 'a'] operations = [list_ops.list_get_by_value('list_bin', [1, aerospike.CDTWildcard()], aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE)] _, _, bins = client.operate(key, operations) .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 .. note:: This requires Aerospike Server or greater .. py:function:: CDTInfinite() A type representing an infinite value. This type may only be used as a comparison value in operations. It may not be stored in the database. :return: a type representing an infinite value. .. code-block:: python import aerospike from aerospike_helpers.operations import list_operations as list_ops client = aerospike.client({'hosts': [('localhost', 3000)]}) key = 'test', 'demo', 1 # get all values of the form [1, ...] from a list of lists. # For example if list is [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [1, 'a']], this operation will match # [1, 2, 3] and [1, 'a'] operations = [list_ops.list_get_by_value_range('list_bin', aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE, [1], [1, aerospike.CDTInfinite()])] _, _, bins = client.operate(key, operations) .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 .. note:: This requires Aerospike Server or greater Serialization ------------- .. note:: See :ref:`Data_Mapping`. .. note:: If the client's config dictionary has a serializer and deserializer in the `serialization` tuple, \ then it will take precedence over the ones from :meth:`set_serializer` and :meth:`set_deserializer`. .. py:function:: set_serializer(callback) Register a user-defined serializer available to all `Client` instances. :param callable callback: the function to invoke for serialization. .. seealso:: To use this function with :meth:`Client.put`, \ the argument to the serializer parameter should be :const:`aerospike.SERIALIZER_USER`. .. code-block:: python def my_serializer(val): return json.dumps(val) aerospike.set_serializer(my_serializer) .. versionadded:: 1.0.39 .. py:function:: set_deserializer(callback) Register a user-defined deserializer available to all :class:`Client` instances. Once registered, all read methods (such as :meth:`Client.get`) will run bins containing 'Generic' *as_bytes* \ of type `AS_BYTES_BLOB `_ through this deserializer. :param callable callback: the function to invoke for deserialization. .. py:function:: unset_serializers() Deregister the user-defined deserializer/serializer available from :class:`Client` instances. .. versionadded:: 1.0.53 Example ^^^^^^^ The following example shows the three modes of serialization: 1. Built-in 2. Class-level user functions 3. Instance-level user functions .. include:: examples/serializer.py :code: python Records ``foo1`` and ``foo2`` should have different encodings from each other since they use different serializers. (record ``foo3`` uses the same encoding as ``foo2``) If we read the data for each record using ``aql``, it outputs the following data: .. code-block:: sql aql> select bin from test.demo where PK='foo1' +-------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | bin | PK | +-------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | 80 04 95 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 01 4B 02 4B 03 87 94 2E | "foo1" | +-------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ 1 row in set (0.000 secs) OK aql> select bin from test.demo where PK='foo2' +----------------------------+--------+ | bin | PK | +----------------------------+--------+ | 5B 31 2C 20 32 2C 20 33 5D | "foo2" | +----------------------------+--------+ 1 row in set (0.001 secs) OK Logging ------- .. py:function:: set_log_handler(callback) Enables aerospike log handler :param optional callable callback: the function used as the logging handler. .. note:: The callback function must have the five parameters (level, func, path, line, msg) .. code-block:: python import aerospike from __future__ import print_function import aerospike aerospike.set_log_level(aerospike.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) aerospike.set_log_handler(callback) .. py:function:: set_log_level(log_level) Declare the logging level threshold for the log handler. :param int log_level: one of the :ref:`aerospike_log_levels` constant values. Other ----- .. py:function:: calc_digest(ns, set, key) -> bytearray Calculate the digest of a particular key. See: :ref:`aerospike_key_tuple`. :param str ns: the namespace in the aerospike cluster. :param str set: the set name. :param key: the primary key identifier of the record within the set. :type key: :class:`str`, :class:`int` or :class:`bytearray` :return: a RIPEMD-160 digest of the input tuple. :rtype: :class:`bytearray` .. code-block:: python import aerospike import pprint digest = aerospike.calc_digest("test", "demo", 1 ) pp.pprint(digest) .. _client_config: Client Configuration ==================== These are the keys and expected values for the ``config`` dictionary passed to :meth:`aerospike.client`. Only the `hosts` key is required; the rest of the keys are optional. .. object:: config .. hlist:: :columns: 1 * **hosts** (:class:`list`) A list of tuples identifying a node (or multiple nodes) in the cluster. The tuple is in this format: ``(address, port, [tls-name])`` * address: :class:`str` * port: :class:`int` * tls-name: :class:`str` The client will connect to the first available node in the list called the *seed node*. From there, it will learn about the cluster and its partition map. If ``tls-name`` is specified, it must match the tls-name specified in the node's \ server configuration file, as well as the server's CA certificate. * **user** (:class:`str`) (Optional) A defined user with roles in the cluster. See :meth:`admin_create_user`. * **password** (:class:`str`) (Optional) The password will be hashed by the client using bcrypt. * **lua** (:class:`dict`) (Optional) Contains the paths to two types of Lua modules * **system_path** (:class:`str`) The location of the system modules such as ``aerospike.lua`` Default: ``/usr/local/aerospike/lua`` * **user_path** (:class:`str`) The location of the user's record and stream UDFs . Default: ``./`` * **policies** (:class:`dict`) A :class:`dict` of policies. Note that these policies do not accept expressions. * **read** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_read_policies`. * **write** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_write_policies`. * **apply** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_apply_policies`. * **operate** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_operate_policies`. * **remove** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_remove_policies`. * **query** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_query_policies`. * **scan** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_scan_policies`. * **batch** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_batch_policies`. * **batch_remove** (:class:`dict`) Default delete policy used in batch remove commands. Contains :ref:`aerospike_batch_remove_policies`. * **batch_apply** (:class:`dict`) Default user defined function policy used in batch UDF apply commands. Contains :ref:`aerospike_batch_apply_policies`. * **batch_write** (:class:`dict`) Default write policy used in batch operate commands. Contains :ref:`aerospike_batch_write_policies`. * **batch_parent_write** (:class:`dict`) Default parent policy used in batch write commands. Contains :ref:`aerospike_batch_policies`. * **info** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_info_policies`. * **admin** (:class:`dict`) Contains :ref:`aerospike_admin_policies`. * **total_timeout** (:class:`int`) **Deprecated**: set this individually in the :ref:`aerospike_policies` dictionaries. The default connection timeout in milliseconds * **auth_mode** The authentication mode with the server. See :ref:`auth_mode` for possible values. Default: :data:`aerospike.AUTH_INTERNAL` * **login_timeout_ms** (:class:`int`) Representing the node login timeout in milliseconds. Default: ``5000``. * **key** **Deprecated**: set this individually in the :ref:`aerospike_policies` dictionaries. Default key policy. See :ref:`POLICY_KEY` for possible values. * **exists** **Deprecated**: set in the :ref:`aerospike_write_policies` dictionary Default exists policy. See :ref:`POLICY_EXISTS` for possible values. * **max_retries** (:class:`int`) **Deprecated**: set this individually in the :ref:`aerospike_policies` dictionaries. Representing the number of times to retry a transaction * **replica** **Deprecated**: set this in one or all of the following policy dictionaries: * :ref:`aerospike_read_policies` * :ref:`aerospike_write_policies` * :ref:`aerospike_apply_policies` * :ref:`aerospike_operate_policies` * :ref:`aerospike_remove_policies` Default replica policy. See :ref:`POLICY_REPLICA` for possible values. * **commit_level** **Deprecated**: set this as needed individually in the following policy dictionaries: * :ref:`aerospike_write_policies` * :ref:`aerospike_apply_policies` * :ref:`aerospike_operate_policies` * :ref:`aerospike_remove_policies` Default commit level policy. See :ref:`POLICY_COMMIT_LEVEL` for possible values. .. seealso:: `Per-Transaction Consistency Guarantees `_. * **shm** (:class:`dict`) Contains optional shared-memory cluster tending parameters Shared-memory cluster tending is on if the :class:`dict` is provided. \ If multiple clients are instantiated and talking to the same cluster the *shm* cluster-tending should be used. * **max_nodes** (:class:`int`) Maximum number of nodes allowed. Pad this value so new nodes can be added without configuration changes. Default: ``16`` * **max_namespaces** (:class:`int`) Maximum number of namespaces allowed. Pad this value so new namespaces can be added without configuration changes. Default: ``8`` * **takeover_threshold_sec** (:class:`int`) Take over tending if the cluster hasn't been checked for this many seconds Default: ``30`` * **shm_key** Explicitly set the shm key for this client. If **use_shared_connection** is not set, or set to ``False``, the user must provide a value for this field in order for shared memory to work correctly. If, and only if, **use_shared_connection** is set to ``True``, the key will be implicitly evaluated per unique hostname, and can be inspected with :meth:`Client.shm_key` . It is still possible to specify a key when using **use_shared_connection** = `True`. Default: ``0xA9000000`` .. seealso:: `Shared Memory `_ * **use_shared_connection** (:class:`bool`) Indicates whether this instance should share its connection to the Aerospike cluster with other client instances in the same process. Default: ``False`` * **tls** (:class:`dict`) Contains optional TLS configuration parameters. .. note:: TLS usage requires Aerospike Enterprise Edition. See `TLS `_. * **enable** (:class:`bool`) Indicating whether tls should be enabled or not. Default: ``False`` * **cafile** (:class:`str`) Path to a trusted CA certificate file. By default TLS will use system standard trusted CA certificates * **capath** (:class:`str`) Path to a directory of trusted certificates. See the OpenSSL SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations manual page for more information about the format of the directory. * **protocols** (:class:`str`) Specifies enabled protocols. This format is the same as Apache's SSLProtocol documented at https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslprotocol . If not specified the client will use "-all +TLSv1.2". * **cipher_suite** (:class:`str`) Specifies enabled cipher suites. The format is the same as OpenSSL's Cipher List Format documented at https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/ciphers.html . If not specified, the OpenSSL default cipher suite described in the ciphers documentation will be used. If you are not sure what cipher suite to select, this option is best left unspecified. * **keyfile** (:class:`str`) Path to the client's key for mutual authentication. By default, mutual authentication is disabled. * **keyfile_pw** (:class:`str`) Decryption password for the client's key for mutual authentication. By default, the key is assumed not to be encrypted. * **cert_blacklist** (:class:`str`) Path to a certificate blacklist file. The file should contain one line for each blacklisted certificate. \ Each line starts with the certificate serial number expressed in hex. \ Each entry may optionally specify the issuer name of the certificate (serial numbers are only required to be unique per issuer). Example records: ``867EC87482B2 /C=US/ST=CA/O=Acme/OU=Engineering/CN=Test Chain CA E2D4B0E570F9EF8E885C065899886461`` * **certfile** (:class:`str`) Path to the client's certificate chain file for mutual authentication. By default, mutual authentication is disabled. * **crl_check** (:class:`bool`) Enable CRL checking for the certificate chain leaf certificate. An error occurs if a suitable CRL cannot be found. By default CRL checking is disabled. * **crl_check_all** (:class:`bool`) Enable CRL checking for the entire certificate chain. An error occurs if a suitable CRL cannot be found. By default CRL checking is disabled. * **log_session_info** (:class:`bool`) Log session information for each connection. * **for_login_only** (:class:`bool`) Log session information for each connection. Use TLS connections only for login authentication. All other communication with the server will be done with non-TLS connections. Default: ``False`` (Use TLS connections for all communication with server.) * **send_bool_as** (:class:`int`) Configures the client to encode Python booleans as the native Python boolean type, an integer, or the server boolean type. Use one of the :ref:`send_bool_as_constants` constant values. See :ref:`Data_Mapping` for more information. Default: :data:`aerospike.AS_BOOL` * **serialization** (:class:`tuple`) An optional instance-level `tuple` of ``(serializer, deserializer)``. Takes precedence over a class serializer registered with :func:`~aerospike.set_serializer`. * **thread_pool_size** (:class:`int`) Number of threads in the pool that is used in batch/scan/query commands. Default: ``16`` * **max_socket_idle** (:class:`int`) Maximum socket idle in seconds. Connection pools will discard sockets that have been idle longer than the maximum. Connection pools are now implemented by a LIFO stack. Connections at the tail of the stack will always be the least used. These connections are checked for ``max_socket_idle`` once every 30 tend iterations (usually 30 seconds). If server's ``proto-fd-idle-ms`` is greater than zero, then ``max_socket_idle`` should be at least a few seconds less than the server's ``proto-fd-idle-ms``, so the client does not attempt to use a socket that has already been reaped by the server. If server's ``proto-fd-idle-ms`` is zero (no reap), then ``max_socket_idle`` should also be zero. Connections retrieved from a pool in transactions will not be checked for ``max_socket_idle`` when ``max_socket_idle`` is zero. Idle connections will still be trimmed down from peak connections to min connections \ (``min_conns_per_node`` and ``async_min_conns_per_node``) using a hard-coded 55 second limit in the cluster tend thread. Default: ``0`` * **min_conns_per_node** (:class:`int`) Minimum number of synchronous connections allowed per server node. Preallocate minimum connections on client node creation. The client will periodically allocate new connections if count falls below min connections. Server ``proto-fd-idle-ms`` and client ``max_socket_idle`` should be set to zero (no reap) if ``min_conns_per_node`` is greater than zero. Reaping connections can defeat the purpose of keeping connections in reserve for a future burst of activity. Default: ``0`` * **max_conns_per_node** (:class:`int`) Maximum number of pipeline connections allowed for each node Default: ``100`` * **max_error_rate** (:class:`int`) Maximum number of errors allowed per node per ``error_rate_window`` before backoff algorithm returns :exc:`~aerospike.exception.MaxErrorRateExceeded` for database commands to that node. If ``max_error_rate`` is zero, there is no error limit. The counted error types are any error that causes the connection to close (socket errors and client timeouts), server device overload and server timeouts. The application should backoff or reduce the transaction load until :exc:`~aerospike.exception.MaxErrorRateExceeded` stops being returned. Default: ``100`` * **error_rate_window** (:class:`int`) The number of cluster tend iterations that defines the window for ``max_error_rate``. One tend iteration is defined as ``tend_interval`` plus the time to tend all nodes. At the end of the window, the error count is reset to zero and backoff state is removed on all nodes. Default: ``1`` * **tend_interval** (:class:`int`) Polling interval in milliseconds for tending the cluster Default: ``1000`` * **compression_threshold** (:class:`int`) **Deprecated**: set in the :ref:`aerospike_write_policies` dictionary Compress data for transmission if the object size is greater than a given number of bytes Default: ``0``, meaning 'never compress' * **cluster_name** (:class:`str`) Only server nodes matching this name will be used when determining the cluster name. * **rack_id** (:class:`int`) Rack id where this client instance resides. ``rack_aware``, ``POLICY_REPLICA_PREFER_RACK`` and server rack configuration must also be set to enable this functionality. Default: ``0`` * **rack_ids** (:class:`list`) List of preferred racks in order of preference. If ``rack_ids`` is set, ``rack_id`` is ignored. ``rack_aware``, ``POLICY_REPLICA_PREFER_RACK`` and server rack configuration must also be set to enable this functionality. * **rack_aware** (:class:`bool`) Track server rack data. This is useful for: - Directing read operations to run on the same rack as the client. - Lowering cloud provider costs when nodes are distributed across different availability zones (represented as racks). In order to enable this functionality: - ``rack_id`` needs to be set to the local rack's ID - The client config's :ref:`aerospike_read_policies` needs to be set to :data:`POLICY_REPLICA_PREFER_RACK` - The server rack configuration must be configured. Default: ``False`` * **use_services_alternate** (:class:`bool`) Flag to signify if "services-alternate" should be used instead of "services". Default: ``False`` * **connect_timeout** (:class:`int`) Initial host connection timeout in milliseconds. The timeout when opening a connection to the server host for the first time. Default: ``1000``. * **fail_if_not_connected** (:class:`bool`) Flag to signify fail on cluster init if seed node and all peers are not reachable. Default: ``True`` Constants ========= Policy Options -------------- .. _POLICY_COMMIT_LEVEL: Commit Level Policy Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specifies the number of replicas required to be successfully committed before returning success in a write operation to provide the desired consistency guarantee. .. data:: POLICY_COMMIT_LEVEL_ALL Return success only after successfully committing all replicas .. data:: POLICY_COMMIT_LEVEL_MASTER Return success after successfully committing the master replica .. _POLICY_READ_MODE_AP: AP Read Mode Policy Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Read policy for AP (availability) namespaces. .. data:: POLICY_READ_MODE_AP_ONE Involve single node in the read operation. .. data:: POLICY_READ_MODE_AP_ALL Involve all duplicates in the read operation. .. versionadded:: 3.7.0 .. _POLICY_READ_MODE_SC: SC Read Mode Policy Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Read policy for SC (strong consistency) namespaces. .. data:: POLICY_READ_MODE_SC_SESSION Ensures this client will only see an increasing sequence of record versions. Server only reads from master. .. data:: POLICY_READ_MODE_SC_LINEARIZE Ensures ALL clients will only see an increasing sequence of record versions. Server only reads from master. .. versionadded:: 3.7.0 .. data:: POLICY_READ_MODE_SC_ALLOW_REPLICA Server may read from master or any full (non-migrating) replica. Increasing sequence of record versions is not guaranteed. .. data:: POLICY_READ_MODE_SC_ALLOW_UNAVAILABLE Server may read from master or any full (non-migrating) replica or from unavailable partitions. Increasing sequence of record versions is not guaranteed. .. _POLICY_EXISTS: Existence Policy Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specifies the behavior for writing the record depending whether or not it exists. .. data:: POLICY_EXISTS_CREATE Only create a record given it doesn't exist .. data:: POLICY_EXISTS_CREATE_OR_REPLACE Replace a record completely if it exists, otherwise create it .. data:: POLICY_EXISTS_IGNORE Update a record if it exists, otherwise create it .. data:: POLICY_EXISTS_REPLACE Only replace a record completely if it exists .. data:: POLICY_EXISTS_UPDATE Only update a record if it exists .. _POLICY_GEN: Generation Policy Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specifies the behavior of record modifications with regard to the generation value. .. data:: POLICY_GEN_IGNORE Write a record regardless of generation .. data:: POLICY_GEN_EQ Write a record only if generations are equal .. data:: POLICY_GEN_GT Write a record only if local generation is greater than remote generation .. _POLICY_KEY: Key Policy Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specifies the behavior for whether keys or digests should be sent to the cluster. .. data:: POLICY_KEY_DIGEST Calculate the digest on the client-side and send it to the server .. data:: POLICY_KEY_SEND Send the key in addition to the digest. This policy causes a write operation to store the key on the server. .. note:: This option instructs the server to validate the digest by calculating it again from the key sent by the client. Unless this is the explicit intent of the developer, this should be avoided. .. _POLICY_REPLICA: Replica Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specifies which partition replica to read from. .. data:: POLICY_REPLICA_SEQUENCE Always try node containing master partition first. If connection fails and the client is configured to retry, it will try the node containing prole partition. Currently restricted to master and one prole. .. data:: POLICY_REPLICA_MASTER Read from the partition master replica node .. data:: POLICY_REPLICA_ANY Distribute reads across nodes containing key's master and replicated partition in round-robin fashion. Currently restricted to master and one prole. .. data:: POLICY_REPLICA_PREFER_RACK Try node on the same rack as the client first. If there are no nodes on the same rack, use :data:`POLICY_REPLICA_SEQUENCE` instead. .. _TTL_CONSTANTS: TTL Constants ------------- Specifies the TTL constants. .. data:: TTL_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT Use the namespace default TTL. .. data:: TTL_NEVER_EXPIRE Set TTL to never expire. .. data:: TTL_DONT_UPDATE Do not change the current TTL of the record. .. data:: TTL_CLIENT_DEFAULT NOTE: only applies to the policies mentioned below. Use the applicable policy ttl in write, operate, batch write, and scan policies. If the policy is not defined for the transaction, use the default client-level policy's ttl. .. _auth_mode: Auth Mode Constants ------------------- Specifies the type of authentication to be used when communicating with the server. .. data:: AUTH_INTERNAL Use internal authentication only. Hashed password is stored on the server. Do not send clear password. .. data:: AUTH_EXTERNAL Use external authentication (like LDAP). Specific external authentication is configured on server. If TLS defined, send clear password on node login via TLS. Throw exception if TLS is not defined. .. data:: AUTH_EXTERNAL_INSECURE Use external authentication (like LDAP). Specific external authentication is configured on server. Send clear password on node login whether or not TLS is defined. .. warning:: This mode should only be used for testing purposes because it is not secure authentication. .. _aerospike_job_constants: Job Constants -------------- .. data:: JOB_SCAN Scan job type argument for the module parameter of :meth:`Client.job_info` .. data:: JOB_QUERY Query job type argument for the module parameter of :meth:`Client.job_info` .. _aerospike_job_constants_status: Job Statuses ------------ .. data:: JOB_STATUS_UNDEF .. data:: JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS .. data:: JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED .. versionadded:: 1.0.50 .. _aerospike_serialization_constants: Serialization Constants ----------------------- .. data:: SERIALIZER_USER Use a user-defined serializer to handle unsupported types. Must have \ been registered for the aerospike class or configured for the Client object .. data:: SERIALIZER_NONE Do not serialize bins whose data type is unsupported (default) .. versionadded:: 1.0.47 .. _send_bool_as_constants: Send Bool Constants ------------------- Specifies how the Python client will write Python booleans. .. data:: INTEGER Write Python Booleans as integers. .. data:: AS_BOOL Write Python Booleans as ``as_bools``. This is the Aerospike server's boolean type. List ---- .. _aerospike_list_write_flag: List Write Flags ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Flags used by list write flag. .. data:: LIST_WRITE_DEFAULT Default. Allow duplicate values and insertions at any index. .. data:: LIST_WRITE_ADD_UNIQUE Only add unique values. .. data:: LIST_WRITE_INSERT_BOUNDED Enforce list boundaries when inserting. Do not allow values to be inserted at index outside current list boundaries. .. note:: Requires server version >= 4.3.0 .. data:: LIST_WRITE_NO_FAIL Do not raise error if a list item fails due to write flag constraints (always succeed). .. note:: Requires server version >= 4.3.0 .. data:: LIST_WRITE_PARTIAL Allow other valid list items to be committed if a list item fails due to write flag constraints. .. _list_return_types: List Return Types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Return types used by various list operations. .. data:: LIST_RETURN_NONE Do not return any value. .. data:: LIST_RETURN_INDEX Return key index order. .. data:: LIST_RETURN_REVERSE_INDEX Return reverse key order. .. data:: LIST_RETURN_RANK Return value order. .. data:: LIST_RETURN_REVERSE_RANK Return reverse value order. .. data:: LIST_RETURN_COUNT Return count of items selected. .. data:: LIST_RETURN_VALUE Return value for single key read and value list for range read. .. data:: LIST_RETURN_EXISTS Return true if count of items selected > 0. .. _aerospike_list_order: List Order ^^^^^^^^^^ Flags used by list order. .. data:: LIST_UNORDERED List is not ordered. This is the default. .. data:: LIST_ORDERED Ordered list. .. _aerospike_list_sort_flag: List Sort Flags ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Flags used by list sort. .. data:: aerospike.LIST_SORT_DEFAULT Default. Preserve duplicates when sorting the list. .. data:: aerospike.LIST_SORT_DROP_DUPLICATES Drop duplicate values when sorting the list. Maps ---- .. _aerospike_map_write_flag: Map Write Flag ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Flags used by map write flag. .. note:: Requires server version >= 4.3.0 .. data:: MAP_WRITE_FLAGS_DEFAULT Default. Allow create or update. .. data:: MAP_WRITE_FLAGS_CREATE_ONLY If the key already exists, the item will be denied. If the key does not exist, a new item will be created. .. data:: MAP_WRITE_FLAGS_UPDATE_ONLY If the key already exists, the item will be overwritten. If the key does not exist, the item will be denied. .. data:: MAP_WRITE_FLAGS_NO_FAIL Do not raise error if a map item is denied due to write flag constraints (always succeed). .. data:: MAP_WRITE_FLAGS_PARTIAL Allow other valid map items to be committed if a map item is denied due to write flag constraints. .. _aerospike_map_order: Map Order ^^^^^^^^^ Flags used by map order. .. data:: MAP_UNORDERED Map is not ordered. This is the default. .. data:: MAP_KEY_ORDERED Order map by key. .. data:: MAP_KEY_VALUE_ORDERED Order map by key, then value. .. _map_return_types: Map Return Types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Return types used by various map operations. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_NONE Do not return any value. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_INDEX Return key index order. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_REVERSE_INDEX Return reverse key order. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_RANK Return value order. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_REVERSE_RANK Return reserve value order. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_COUNT Return count of items selected. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_KEY Return key for single key read and key list for range read. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_VALUE Return value for single key read and value list for range read. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE Return key/value items. Note that key/value pairs will be returned as a list of keys and values next to each other: ``[key1, value1, key2, value2, ...]`` .. data:: MAP_RETURN_EXISTS Return true if count of items selected > 0. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_UNORDERED_MAP Return unordered map. For the Python client, this return type returns the same results as :data:`aerospike.MAP_RETURN_ORDERED_MAP`. .. data:: MAP_RETURN_ORDERED_MAP Return ordered map. Bitwise ------- .. _aerospike_bitwise_write_flag: Bitwise Write Flags ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. data:: BIT_WRITE_DEFAULT Allow create or update (default). .. data:: BIT_WRITE_CREATE_ONLY If bin already exists the operation is denied. Otherwise the bin is created. .. data:: BIT_WRITE_UPDATE_ONLY If bin does not exist the operation is denied. Otherwise the bin is updated. .. data:: BIT_WRITE_NO_FAIL Do not raise error if operation failed. .. data:: BIT_WRITE_PARTIAL Allow other valid operations to be committed if this operation is denied due to flag constraints. i.e. If the number of bytes from the offset to the end of the existing Bytes bin is less than the specified number of bytes, then only apply operations from the offset to the end. .. versionadded:: 3.9.0 .. _aerospike_bitwise_resize_flag: Bitwise Resize Flags ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. data:: BIT_RESIZE_DEFAULT Add/remove bytes from the end (default). .. data:: BIT_RESIZE_FROM_FRONT Add/remove bytes from the front. .. data:: BIT_RESIZE_GROW_ONLY Only allow the bitmap size to increase. .. data:: BIT_RESIZE_SHRINK_ONLY Only allow the bitmap size to decrease. .. _aerospike_bitwise_overflow: .. versionadded:: 3.9.0 Bitwise Overflow ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. data:: BIT_OVERFLOW_FAIL Operation will fail on overflow/underflow. .. data:: BIT_OVERFLOW_SATURATE If add or subtract ops overflow/underflow, set to max/min value. Example: MAXINT + 1 = MAXINT. .. data:: BIT_OVERFLOW_WRAP If add or subtract ops overflow/underflow, wrap the value. Example: MAXINT + 1 = MININT. .. versionadded:: 3.9.0 .. _aerospike_hll_write_flags: HyperLogLog Write Flags ----------------------- .. data:: HLL_WRITE_DEFAULT Default. Allow create or update. .. data:: HLL_WRITE_CREATE_ONLY If the bin already exists, the operation will be denied. If the bin does not exist, a new bin will be created. .. data:: HLL_WRITE_UPDATE_ONLY If the bin already exists, the bin will be overwritten. If the bin does not exist, the operation will be denied. .. data:: HLL_WRITE_NO_FAIL Do not raise error if operation is denied. .. data:: HLL_WRITE_ALLOW_FOLD Allow the resulting set to be the minimum of provided index bits. For intersect_counts and similarity, allow the usage of less precise HLL algorithms when minhash bits of all participating sets do not match. .. versionadded:: 3.11.0 .. _aerospike_expression_write_flags: Write Expression Flags ---------------------- Flags used by :class:`~aerospike_helpers.operations.expression_operations.expression_write`. .. data:: EXP_WRITE_DEFAULT Default. Allow create or update. .. data:: EXP_WRITE_CREATE_ONLY If bin does not exist, a new bin will be created. If bin exists, the operation will be denied. If bin exists, fail with BinExistsError when EXP_WRITE_POLICY_NO_FAIL is not set. .. data:: EXP_WRITE_UPDATE_ONLY If bin exists, the bin will be overwritten. If bin does not exist, the operation will be denied. If bin does not exist, fail with BinNotFound when EXP_WRITE_POLICY_NO_FAIL is not set. .. data:: EXP_WRITE_ALLOW_DELETE If expression results in nil value, then delete the bin. Otherwise, return OpNotApplicable when EXP_WRITE_POLICY_NO_FAIL is not set. .. data:: EXP_WRITE_POLICY_NO_FAIL Do not raise error if operation is denied. .. data:: EXP_WRITE_EVAL_NO_FAIL Ignore failures caused by the expression resolving to unknown or a non-bin type. .. _aerospike_expression_read_flags: Read Expression Flags --------------------- Flags used by :class:`~aerospike_helpers.operations.expression_operations.expression_read`. .. data:: EXP_READ_DEFAULT Default. .. data:: EXP_READ_EVAL_NO_FAIL Ignore failures caused by the expression resolving to unknown or a non-bin type. .. _aerospike_bin_types: Bin Types --------- .. data:: AS_BYTES_UNDEF (int): 0 .. data:: AS_BYTES_INTEGER (int): 1 .. data:: AS_BYTES_DOUBLE (int): 2 .. data:: AS_BYTES_STRING (int): 3 .. data:: AS_BYTES_BLOB (int): 4 .. data:: AS_BYTES_JAVA (int): 7 .. data:: AS_BYTES_CSHARP (int): 8 .. data:: AS_BYTES_PYTHON (int): 9 .. data:: AS_BYTES_RUBY (int): 10 .. data:: AS_BYTES_PHP (int): 11 .. data:: AS_BYTES_ERLANG (int): 12 .. data:: AS_BYTES_BOOL (int): 17 .. data:: AS_BYTES_HLL (int): 18 .. data:: AS_BYTES_MAP (int): 19 .. data:: AS_BYTES_LIST (int): 20 .. data:: AS_BYTES_GEOJSON (int): 23 .. data:: AS_BYTES_TYPE_MAX (int): 24 .. _aerospike_misc_constants: Miscellaneous ------------- .. data:: __version__ A :class:`str` containing the module's version. .. versionadded:: 1.0.54 .. data:: UDF_TYPE_LUA UDF type is LUA (which is the only UDF type). .. data:: INDEX_STRING An index whose values are of the aerospike string data type. .. data:: INDEX_NUMERIC An index whose values are of the aerospike integer data type. .. data:: INDEX_BLOB An index whose values are of the aerospike blob data type. .. data:: INDEX_GEO2DSPHERE An index whose values are of the aerospike GetJSON data type. .. seealso:: `Data Types `_. .. data:: INDEX_TYPE_DEFAULT Index a bin that doesn't contain a complex data type. .. data:: INDEX_TYPE_LIST Index a bin whose contents is an aerospike list. .. data:: INDEX_TYPE_MAPKEYS Index the keys of a bin whose contents is an aerospike map. .. data:: INDEX_TYPE_MAPVALUES Index the values of a bin whose contents is an aerospike map. .. _aerospike_log_levels: Log Level --------- .. data:: LOG_LEVEL_TRACE .. data:: LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG .. data:: LOG_LEVEL_INFO .. data:: LOG_LEVEL_WARN .. data:: LOG_LEVEL_ERROR .. data:: LOG_LEVEL_OFF .. _aerospike_privileges: Privileges ---------- Permission codes define the type of permission granted for a user's role. .. data:: PRIV_READ The user is granted read access. .. data:: PRIV_WRITE The user is granted write access. .. data:: PRIV_READ_WRITE The user is granted read and write access. .. data:: PRIV_READ_WRITE_UDF The user is granted read and write access, and the ability to invoke UDFs. .. data:: PRIV_SYS_ADMIN The user is granted the ability to perform system administration operations. Global scope only. .. data:: PRIV_USER_ADMIN The user is granted the ability to perform user administration operations. Global scope only. .. data:: PRIV_DATA_ADMIN User can perform systems administration functions on a database that do not involve user administration. Examples include setting dynamic server configuration. Global scope only. .. data:: PRIV_TRUNCATE User can truncate data only. Requires server 6.0+ .. data:: PRIV_UDF_ADMIN User can perform user defined function(UDF) administration actions. Examples include create/drop UDF. Global scope only. Global scope only. Requires server version 6.0+ .. data:: PRIV_SINDEX_ADMIN User can perform secondary index administration actions. Examples include create/drop index. Global scope only. Requires server version 6.0+ .. _regex_constants: Regex Flag Values ------------------ Flags used by the :class:`aerospike_operation_helpers.expressions.base.CmpRegex` Aerospike expression. See :ref:`aerospike_operation_helpers.expressions` for more information. .. data:: REGEX_NONE Use default behavior. .. data:: REGEX_ICASE Do not differentiate case. .. data:: REGEX_EXTENDED Use POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax when interpreting regex. .. data:: REGEX_NOSUB Do not report position of matches. .. data:: REGEX_NEWLINE Match-any-character operators don't match a newline. .. _query_duration_constants: Query Duration -------------- .. data:: QUERY_DURATION_LONG The query is expected to return more than 100 records per node. The server optimizes for a large record set in the following ways: * Allow query to be run in multiple threads using the server's query threading configuration. * Do not relax read consistency for AP namespaces. * Add the query to the server's query monitor. * Do not add the overall latency to the server's latency histogram. * Do not allow server timeouts. .. data:: QUERY_DURATION_SHORT The query is expected to return less than 100 records per node. The server optimizes for a small record set in the following ways: * Always run the query in one thread and ignore the server's query threading configuration. * Allow query to be inlined directly on the server's service thread. * Relax read consistency for AP namespaces. * Do not add the query to the server's query monitor. * Add the overall latency to the server's latency histogram. * Allow server timeouts. The default server timeout for a short query is 1 second. .. data:: QUERY_DURATION_LONG_RELAX_AP Treat query as a LONG query, but relax read consistency for AP namespaces. This value is treated exactly like :data:`aerospike.QUERY_DURATION_LONG` for server versions < 7.1.